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Architectural Design VI: Project Process 

Tutorial 21/9:

Initial programs and arrangement 

Tutorial 27/9:

Massing variations for exercise center 

Interim 3/10:

Focusing of programs on bounce park, traditional sports, and other related sports

Design Brief:

The sports center is a building which promotes both fitness and local traditional sports. Where the sports provided are interrelated with one another through common training grounds. Through this, it encourages people to engage with not only one sport but also the variety of sports provided in the center. With the youth as the center’s main target user, bounce park is used as the main program to attract the youth. In which it also promotes sepak takraw towards the young as both the activity emphasizes in agility through jumping movements.


The programs are arranged in a way which reflects the surrounding context, where the traditional sports are aligned along the Istana Budaya at south-west direction; the ‘modern’ sports towards the school and stadium at south-east direction; and green spaces towards the north-east and north-west direction. All of which determines the architectural language of the sports center.


As a friendly gesture to attract visitors, the building is arranged in a clustered and open arrangement where the porous geometry of the building would result in flexible spaces, encouraging impromptu activities around the building. Thus, resulting in a community friendly building similar to that of the function of a park.

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