PROJ 3B: Dreamspace for the User
For the final project of Architectural Studio 1, we are required to design a space which will be attaching to the walls/surfaces of an imagined ‘city’ on an empty abandoned lot in between two buildings. The space is to fit the specific needs of the user (as a hideout space for viewing, transitional space, space showcasing hobbies or collections and so to speak a getaway space for the user who wants to be alone). The space should best fit the personality, occupation and character of the user. The hideout should also be within the range of 50-70 sqm and maximum of 5m width (front and back) and 7m height,
In this project, I have chosen Coco Chanel (Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel) as my user/client. I have done a thorough research on her background, personality, works and inspirations. From these, I have translated her personality into a minimal hideout as attached below.
From the final project of Design Studio 1, I have learnt how to carry out thorough research on the background of the user and document, analyze and translate the personality/character of the user. In addition, I also learnt how to produce a well-organized presentation through a well-drawns and executed two-dimensional form (plans, elevations, sections), three-dimensional form (perspective) and scale modelling.