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PROJ 2: Self Expression through Architectural Space

              'LIFE CAPSULE'


For the second project of architectural studio 1, we are asked to group into a group of 6-8 and choose one of the member as the user for this project. In this project, we are required to create a 'Life Capsule' based on the role of the client chosen.  (Eg: Chef, Singer, Artist, etc.) 


The life capsule should be within the range of 8.00 cu.mts where it is designed for single occupancy only and for the duration of 24 hours. It must also be glue-less where fitting techniques must be applied. Anthroprometrics and ergonomics are to be considered and is based on the body dimension of the user. 


For my group, we have chosen Jerry as our client where he play the role of a chef which loves nature. We have measured Jerry's body dimensions which are essential for the project. 



From this project, I have learnt how to apply the understanding of basic architectural design principles, and the notion of body and space interactions. Also, I have learnt to document, sketch and explain from personal experiences of the built and natural environment.

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